Saturday, May 12, 2012

A Bestseller

I've been reading to Rylan since he was just several months old.  It was mostly in the evening and to help with a bedtime routine.  Overtime, we started to read more and more throughout the day and he even started favoring certain books.  Just the other day, when I thought he was being oddly quiet, I found him in his room, on his bed, flipping through books and 'reading' all on his own!

Rylan's current reading list includes: Goodnight Moon (his all time favorite), Sadie and the Snowman (his new favorite), Ferdinand the Bull (thanks to his Aunt Lindsay and Lauren who gifted him this one), On the Night You Were Born (Mommy's favorite), and The Pup Speaks Up (of course, because it is about a dog).  

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Rylan turned 17 months old on Monday, and he's busy as ever.  Here's some shots of what he's been up to lately.

Play dates!  This one with his good pal Oliver.  

His first ever Easter Egg Hunt in April.  We joined some friends at their community egg hunt.

Wearing his shirt on his head and making faces in the mirror before bath time! 
(the mirror is a favorite pastime these days)

Shopping for new lawn mowers with Dad, then sitting atop the newly purchased TORO.

Hot tubbing with his best friend Rileigh!

LOVING on his dog, Harley (these two get closer every day I tell you).

Learning to put his diaper in the trash can all by himself.

Coloring and stickers in the kitchen.

So busy, he nearly fell asleep in a tire at the park!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

And in other news...

...Peter recently travelled to great state of Alaska for work.  He made some new friends, and took video of their encounter together.

Smooth(ie) Operator

Rylan and I decided to make smoothies this frozen berries, peanut butter, and orange juice (I was all out of apple, my first choice).  I poured Rylan's batch into his straw sippy cup, and I decided to be the heathen I often am these days and eat mine right out of the blender cup with a spoon.  When Rylan saw this, he wanted in on the fun!  After all, a sippy cup is entirely too neat and tidy, right?

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Rylan is showing big interest in all sorts of things lately...two of his favorites are cooking in the kitchen with Mom and helping Dad fix stuff around the house.  

I was trying to make Carrot Zucchini bread and Rylan just had to help grate the goodies.  Impossible, holding him, so we did it on the floor together.  'Course, he threw the carrot stubs into the ALWAYS lingering (like a hungry shark) dogs mouth.  

Dad was putting some locks on the cabinets (because boy does he want in everything these days) one morning and Rylan watched oh so intently.

 Doesn't that last one look like he's saying, "Mom, no girls allowed, we are fixin' stuff in here!"

Hat Trick

RATED - CN (cute nakedness) 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Walking Zombie

They say when babies start walking, they look a bit like zombies, arms stretched out to balance their newly upright mobile bodies and legs moving one in front of the other but slowly and without much grace.  Here's a clip of our walking zombie.  Cutest on the block, if you ask us!

And about a 5 days later, a bit more perfected (never mind the meltdown, it was bedtime and Mommy was pushing it with video time)!